Navratri is the time of the year, when we avoid eating non-vegetarian food and follow a detox diet in order to keep ourselves healthy and when it comes to a healthy diet, even experts agree that India diet is the best way to go.
Navratri is the right time to let go of your cravings and watch your health the Indian way.
Here is a curated diet plan for you, along with an exercise for the day. With the diet, you also need to consume a minimum of two liters of water every day.
Day 1
I.Breakfast: Banana+ 1 glass of milk +Handful of dry fruits
II.Snack: Coconut water+ Makhanas+ 8-10 nuts
III.Lunch: Boiled aloo chat with blanched spinach leaves
IV.Snack: Green tea+ sabudana chaat
V.Dinner: Paneer subzi+ kuttu ki roti
VI.Exercise of the day: Walk ( 30 minutes)
Day 2
I.Breakfast: Fruit bowl+ 1 glass of milk +Handful of dryfruits
II.Snack: Chaach with sendha (Rock) salt+ 8-10 nuts
III.Lunch: Sabudana Khichdi with peanuts and tomatoes
IV.Snack: Green tea+ 2 bananas
V.Dinner: Aloo ki subzi+ singhade ki roti
VI.Exercise of the day: Yoga for 45 minutes
Day 3
I.Breakfast: Amaranth oats+ nuts+ grated coconut
II.Snack: Nimbu paani+ fruit bowl
III.Lunch: Samak rice khichdi with vegetables
IV.Snack: Green tea+ aloo chaat
V.Dinner: Palak ki subzi+ kuttu aloo stuffed roti
VI.Exercise of the day: Light jog for 20 minutes
Day 4
I.Breakfast: 2 Banana+ 1 apple +1 orange+ 1 glass of milk
II.Snack: Makhanas+ 8-10 nuts+ coconut water
III.Lunch: Singhade ki roti+ paneer subzi
IV.Snack: Green tea+ Sabudana chaat
V.Dinner: Kuttu pakoda kadhi+ sabudana khichdi
VI.Exercise of the day: Dance for 30 minutes
Day 5
I.Breakfast: Milkshake- banana + soaked almonds
II.Snack: Green tea+ 2 apples
III.Lunch: Kuttu atta uttapam with mint chutney
IV.Snack: Mint chaach
V.Dinner: Spinach and pumpkin soup
VI.Exercise of the day: 4 minute tabata workout
Day 6
I.Breakfast: Kuttu atta parantha+ mint chutney
II.Snack: Coconut water+ Makhanas+ 8-10 nuts
III.Lunch: Sabudana khichdi+ peanuts
IV.Snack: Green tea+ 1 banana+ 1 apple
V.Dinner: 1 glass of warm milk+ handful of nuts
VI.Exercise of the day: Stairs for 20 minutes
Day 7
I.Breakfast: Banana+ 1 glass of milk +Handful of dryfruits
II.Snack: Coconut water+ Makhanas+ 8-10 nuts
III.Lunch: Boiled aloo chat with blanched spinach leaves
IV.Snack: Green tea+ sabudana chaat
V.Dinner: lauki subzi+ kuttu ke atta ki roti
VI.Exercise of the day: Suryanamaskars- 12
Day 8
I.Breakfast: Fruit bowl+ 1 glass of milk +Handful of dryfruits
II.Snack: Coconut water+ Makhanas+ 8-10 nuts
III.Lunch: Sabudana khichdi+ peanuts
IV.Snack: Green tea+ sabudana chaat
V.Dinner: Palak ki subzi+ kuttu aloo stuffed roti
VI.Exercise of the day: Walk ( 30 minutes)
Day 9
I.Breakfast: Milkshake- banana + soaked almonds
II.Snack: Chaach with sendha (Rock) salt+ 8-10 nuts
III.Lunch: Singhade ki roti+ paneer subzi
IV.Snack: Mint chaach
VII.Dinner: 1 glass of warm milk+ handful of nuts
VIII.Exercise of the day: Yoga for 45 minutes