For some people the fondness to sleep day and night is ceaseless. Though it might hold a few good points there are certain pitfalls on top of that. While some people sleep all the time willfully, some sleep due to lack of stamina to work one's socks off.
So if you are lacking energy even after ten hours of sleep, it can be a major sign that something is seriously wrong.
Below are some of the negative effects of sleeping too much:
1. Aggravates Your Back Pain
You may feel relaxed to sleep for a longer time if you are suffering from back pain, but sometimes sleeping for too long can aggravate your pain. Your back pain can worsen when you do too little activity and spend too much time in bed. In most of the cases, sleeping in the wrong position or using an unsupportive mattress can also trigger your pain.
2. Causes Tension Headache
Oversleeping can also be a reason behind headaches. Referred to as weekend headache, oversleeping can trigger tension and migraine headaches.
3. Depression
Sleeping for a long time is a possible symptom of depression but if you flip the coin, long sleeping hours can also lead to persistent depression and anxiety.
A study published in the Journal Sleep found that those who slept more than ten hours in a day reported signs of depression and anxiety than people who got just enough sleep. Irregularities in the body’s sleep clock may also contribute to symptoms of depression.
4. Weight Gain
Oversleeping can lead to weight gain. However, inadequate sleep is also one of the strong points behind weight gain. It is pretty evident that if you are devoting more amount of time in bed and not working out or even moving around, you are burning fewer calories.
5.Heart Disease
One of the concerning problems associated with oversleeping is cardiovascular diseases. When you put in excessive time sleeping, you tend to exercise to a lesser extent. This can increase the strain on the heart so even simple tasks turn hard. The heart has to work harder to keep you going, and this can increase your risk of a heart attack.
6. Diabetes
Sleep can affect your blood glucose levels irrespective of your weight. When you sleep for a longer time, you exercise less and physical activity is an important factor in enabling your body to utilize the glucose present for muscles instead of having it overflow into the blood.
So rather sleeping for that long, it is suggested to wake up and get moving.
By Sowmya Sangam