New Haven, Connecticut : A City for Every Palate October 01, 2013 07:00
New Haven may be known for the ivy-league college it houses, but it is far from being your quintessential college town. It is a big city, a little rough around the edges, but manages to…
Read MoreCleveland, Ohio: A Great City to Visit October 01, 2013 06:40
In 1969, this Cleveland's Cuyahoga River caught fire. It was an event that inspired songwriter Randy Newman to write: "Burn On, Big River." No big news locally, however: "A strictly run of the mill fire,"…
Read MoreDestination Guide to Northampton, Massachusetts October 01, 2013 06:26
North-central Massachusetts. About 2 hours from Boston in the foothills of the Berkshires. Located on I-91, about 25 minutes north of Mass. Pike.WHY GO?A funky, small New England college town, named "The Best Small Arts…
Read MoreNome Alaska : Three Roads to Roam October 01, 2013 06:01
Most visitors to Alaska do not go to Nome…big mistake. This westernmost city on the North American continent offers more than a finish line for the Iditarod – the 1150-mile dogsled race that begins in…
Read MoreWashington's Whidbey Island October 01, 2013 05:51
Salt air wafted across the narrow channel between the mainland and Whidbey Island in Washington state. Eight-five degrees, sunny and not a rain cloud in sight. This dispelled the, It always rains in Seattle myth…
Read MoreChicago is 'The City that Works' and 'The City of Big Shoulders' October 01, 2013 05:49
Chicago is "The City that Works" and "The City of Big Shoulders." It boasts the United States' tallest building and one of the world's largest office buildings. With the ubiquitous elevated trains creating a continuous…
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