(Image source from: 7 Herbs that helps for better immune system})
You might not always use ginger in all the eatable but this thought have to be removed because Ginger is powerful lower inflammation in the body, a reduced risk of heart disease, a lower chance of blood clots and can aid in good cholesterol levels, according to experts.
When you have seviour cold then Echinacea is the best medicine herbs which you have to search during you are suffering from cold.It is the best one to fight boost infection fighting cells, which allows your #body to fight off symptoms of illnesses. Finally It makes you to feel better.
This wonderful hurb because when you cook food,it gives a beautifl colour to food Turmeric contains curcumin, which experts say has antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that make it beneficial for a many of health issues.
If you use OREGANO you will love because it has better immune benefits like it has compounds which will fight bacteria, fungi and viruses that can make you sick. It has been said to kill bad bacteria in your intestines, heal ulcers and prevent food poisoning.
Peppermint is very easy herb which you can grow it small place at you home.The helps to develop your immune system which you can have it every day in a cup of a tea. Peppermint is great for digestion and respiratory benefits
It is very easy to find in both fresh and dry at nearby supermarket including fighting cancer, soothing digestion, warding off heart disease and preventing diabetes. Even it can be used in slads.
Thyme is great for killing all sorts of germs that lead to illness and disease.It is wonderfull with combination of chicken but also works with number of food items. It is good with non -veg items.
AW: Arun Kumar