(Image source from: Make Healthy Foods Attractive to tempt yourself!})
We love to eat the well packed and well showcased food items very frequently, not because of the benefits or taste, but because of the attraction that tempts us to buy if we have bugs. And most of the healthy foods do not look good to put our eye on them.
So to habituate for the healthy food, just make the fruits, nuts, and vitamin creams in a nice position (place) where you go frequently or where you go just before going out. You can consider the places where you will keep the car keys, mirror, telephone or desktop.
According to a study conducted, which has analysed 112 studies that collected information about healthy eating behaviours, people will catch the healthy item if it is convenient, attractive, and normal to order. “With these three principles, there are endless changes that can be made to lead people - including ourselves - to eat healthier,” said study author Brian Wansink from the Cornell University.
If incase you want your children to drink healthy juice rather than carbonated or coke, you can place that item in convenient place (for eg, put it in the front of the cooler), more attractive (sell it in a shapely bottle), or more normal (give it half of the cooler space instead of a small corner of the cooler).
The report of the study, which appeared on the journal Psychology and Marketing, emphasized the promotion by the marketer or self promotion for health as an important activity.