Mother’s Moment of Surprise Perfectly Captured After She Births a Boy While Expecting a Girl Goes Viral
May 03, 2019 05:51
(Image source from: Instagram/Nancy Ray)
Needless to say, childbirth is a special moment and the pictures clicked at the jiff you first hold your baby is beyond seventh heaven. Especially candid pictures that capture the exact moment when mothers see their baby for the first time are perfectly remarkable.
One of the most recent pictures that captured the real moment when a mother held her baby is absolutely mesmerizing and the internet is loving it patently.
The photo that has now gone viral shows a mother's shocking expression when she finds out the baby she was told was going to be a girl was actually a boy.
The video has been viral ever since it was uploaded. The Mom in the picture Nancy Ray shared the details of her pregnancy on Instagram. The now mother of three talked about all of the ups and downs she went through her pregnancy chronologically. She also explained her experience of coming to terms with having a baby boy when she was told that she would be having a third baby girl.
It all started from "April 14: Surprise! I’m pregnant!" and then "June 9: You’re having your third girl! We were gender surprised with our first two babies but my husband insisted to know if he was having three girls so he could mentally prepare haha!" to "December 13: I drive to the birth center with intense contractions with my mom at 11am and meet my hubby there (he spent the night at his moms because #flu). Two hours later, my baby was born with me halfway in the tub! 15 minutes later, we went to cut the chord and I said... “WHAT IS THAT?!? Is this a boy baby!!? Indeed, it was a boy! My husband @willrray quickly lifted his leg to check and then proceeded to literally fall on the floor. "
-Sangam Sowmya