Deleting messages is one of the best features available on WhatsApp. One can instantly delete the messages from the messaging platform. If the user chooses 'Delete for Me' option instead of 'Delete for Everyone', they will have to delete the message for others again. WhatsApp is working on a feature of undo button for the deleted messages. A new Undo button will popup at the lower end of the screen for a short span after you delete the messages so that the users can bring back a deleted message in the conversation.
WhatsApp is now working on the option and it would be introduced or announced soon. This feature will work similarly like the undo option available on Gmail after you send the email. Gmail allows few seconds to pull back the sent email. A similar option is available on Telegram which will allow you to undo the messages. The message platform is also working to bring file sharing limit of 2 GB for the users. The usual limit is 100 MB for the users and it would be extended to 2 GB. The testing started in March this year. The feature will roll out with WhatsApp beta v2.22.13.6 across the globe.