(Image source from: Is overdose of love killing your relationship?)
Love definitely makes the world go round. But too much of 'it' can bring your world crashing down! Wonder how? Well, if you are the kind of person who believes in making your partner happy at the expense of your own peace, happiness and self-esteem, it's time you got a life of your own. While investing your emotions is important, going overboard can just do more harm than good to you and your relationship. Here are a signs to find out if you have over-invested your emotions on your mate. Check them out.
Do you keep thinking/obsessing about your partner 24x7? Unless you are in the throw of newfound passion, thinking about someone all the time only indicates one thing — over involvement. “When you spend too much time in a day wondering what your partner is doing, like who he met for lunch, why he’s not in a good mood or why does he not feel like eating, it’s a sign of excessive dependence. Relationships need to be nourished and nurtured, but filling a void in your life by infringing on your partner’s space may be damaging. Everyone needs their personal space and when it’s invaded, the outcome is not positive,” reveals relationship expert Dr Shefali Batra.
Do you jump at the defense of your partner at the drop of a hat? While it's good to supportive, supporting your partner when he/she is clearly in the wrong can be disastrous. “If you’re always quick to find an excuse for his bad behavior, it’s a sign you’re over committed. Others can see the flaws that you don’t want to,” warns psychiatrist Dr Ashit Sheth.
When things aren't fine between both of you, do you blame yourself for the strain? According to Dr Sheth finding a fault with yourself means you don’t want to admit that your partner is wrong. “Most of the times the guilt you feel is induced. For instance, if your partner is angry because you didn’t take his call, you make yourself believe he is right to be angry.” If you often feel that way, please stop to consider if you’re being fair to yourself.
Love is an experience to be enjoyed, not a burden to be saddled! Live and love!
Source: Femina
AW: Suchorita Dutta