Do you have a caring and fighting brother? Then you would have definitely learned few relationship lessons early on. Those who have grown up with brothers have a quite different experience altogether. You learn a lot about valuing yourself, because of the way they value you.
You learn to forgive
The relation helps you understand that no two individuals think alike. Numerous disagreements on several things help you get little closer, and teach you to make peace without agreeing on one point. It is simple you learn to forgive and move ahead.
You become dare enough to face any issue
Best thing you can learn from having grown up with brother is ‘dare to face any issue’. You will learn this as you fight with him. You will be equally strong and vigorous like him. You will now how to prove your point firmly. Isn’t it a wonderful lesson?
You will know how boys party
You will know many things about boys party in general. You also understand that they are not very organized beings. Yet, you learn to love them anyway!
You will learn to share
All you will learn is to share, from food to TV! Sharing would be made much easier if you had grown up with your brother. You will learn to enjoy little things in life like watching a TV show, enjoying a favorite dish, or doing a naughty deed.
You will learn to be yourself
This is the biggest lesson you will learn. You will be yourself and happy to be the way you are. You will become a strong women as his attitude encourages you to do so. Thank your brother!
- Sumana