Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi has won the online readers poll for TIME Person of the Year 2016 after beating other world leaders such as incumbent US leader Barack Obama, United States President-elect Donald Trump, and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
According to the Time, PM Modi won with 18 per cent of the vote when the poll closed, getting significantly more votes than his closest contenders, including Trump, Obama and Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange, who all received 7 per cent of the yes vote.
Time said that, Modi was also placed far ahead of other prominent figures of this year, like US Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton (4 per cent) and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (2 per cent).
The Person of the Year, 2016 will be announced by the Times editors later this week, but the online poll revealed that, Modi emerged as the most influential figure in 2016. Time said the reader poll is an "important window" into who they think most shaped 2016.
Modi has won the online readers poll for Time Person of the Year title for the second time, earlier Modi secured this honor in 2014, when he had got around five million votes cast.
US publication bestows this honor every year to the one "who has most influenced the news and our world in the past year, for good or ill". Last year German Chancellor Angela Merkel was Times Person of the Year.
Among the contenders this year are former Secretary of State and US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Chinese leader Xi Jinping, Apple CEO Tim Cook, FBI Chief James Comey, parents of slain Muslim-American soldier Humanyun Khan, Khizr and Ghazala Khan, British Prime Minister Theresa May and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Also Read: Modi policies for TRP - Rahul Gandhi
- Nandini