As Soon as Donald Trump took over as President of United States, steps are being taken to make H-1B visa more restrictive, that had failed drastically during Barack Obama’s eight year administration.
United states senators Chuck Grassley and Dick Durbin have the time and again tried to bring in legislation on H-1B, they have said that they will introduce a new legislation that would ensure that eligible students studied in United states receive preference for an H-1B visa.
At present H-1B visas are used by many Indian IT organizations to send their specialist employees to the United States to work.
Chuck Grassley also said that the bill will include several reforms of the L-1 visa program, which will include the establishment of a wage floor for L-1 workers and authority for the Department of Homeland Security to investigate, audit and enforce compliance with L-1 program requirements.
H-1B visa and L-1 visa allows a foreign personnel to work in the United States for a period of three years or more. Indian IT organizations have the been the largest recipients for H-1B visas.
Bill introduced by Grassley and Durbin came within weeks of an another bill which was introduced by Republican Darrell Issa, that would require a United State employer to pay at least $100,000 a year for the employees who come under the H-1B visa program. Previously the current minimum wage was $60,000 a year.
The bill also seeks to remove an exemption clause that allows authorities to skip the troublesome paperwork if H-1B applicants had the equivalent of a Master's degree or higher.
Under Donlad Trump’s administration the legislation may receive a more sympathetic hearing.
His presidential campaign for local jobs was accompanied by promises he made to deal with offshore and immigration.
This cause worries to Indian IT companies, which earns its maximum revenue from the United States.
Vikran Shroff head of the HR law practice at law firm ‘Nitish Desai Associates’ said that, the intention was to promote students from United States universities to get jobs is totally understandable, it does not have to be at the cost of skilled foreign workers.
He also said that that 2018 season of H-1B starts from April 2017 and Indian IT companies would already have initiated the process of shortlisting their employees and preparing their applications. "Such a legislation if enacted prior to the application date, could have a huge impact on those companies' business commitments”.
This move is an alternative way to seek a restrain on H-1B visa, said Rakesh Prabhu, partner-immigration practice in law firm ALMT Legal.
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