11% Raise In Sf Schools Contract, To Be Topmost Among The StateTop Stories

November 06, 2017 12:26
11% Raise In Sf Schools Contract, To Be Topmost Among The State

(Image source from: sfgate.com)

In a first, the bay area educators have proposed a double digit salary increase for SFO over the weekend gone by. This would be highest among those being offered in state, union and school districts.

The two sides have signed off a tentative agreement and if this gets approved by the 6200 members of United Educators of SFO, this will eventually give an 11% raise to all over and above the annual bonuses

Those benefitting from this would include the city school workforce of teachers, early childhood educators, librarians, nurses, classroom assistants and social workers.

This would enable the overall compensation to hike by around 16%. Currently the teachers in city receive an annual salary of less than $70k, and the classroom aides represented by Union earn just $30k a year.

There are also some notable provisions added to the proposed contract which include Professional development and training to a wider range of school employees. This will shift the focus to priority areas like children who have suffered any trauma.

By Minu Manisha

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