Suspects Of Human Trafficking Arrested At San Bruno MallTop Stories

April 24, 2018 08:57
Suspects Of Human Trafficking Arrested At San Bruno Mall

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San Bruno-  A young teenage girls request of plea for help came to end with the arrest of two residents belonging to the Sacramento on suspicion of Human Trafficking at near by shops in Tanforan early hours morning on Sunday, Police said.

The San Bruno Police encountered with a victim shortly after the midnight near to the East Hamington Avenue and Herman Street, complaining them that she was trying to escape from some who appeared to be strange and fearsome.

Officers approached the area and understood that the girl requesting for help was a juvenile and she had been driven to that area by a male and a female to engage her with someone dealing with Commercial sex acts, said San Bruno police in a report released on Monday

The officers safeguarded the victim and led officers to investigate the case finding alleged trafficers vehicle parked nearby.

The police arrested two people Taroy Lakeith Ireland aged 26 and Luceta Pear Marie aged 27 and booked them on the charges of Human Trafficking & conspiracy charges and being sent them to the San Mateo Country Jail.

The case reminds to be under preliminary investigation and asked citizens to report any information found to the San Bruna Police at 650-616-7100 OR MAIL TO This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

By Lokesh

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Human Trafficking  San Bruno