Indian-Origin Girl prodigy Launches Board Game to Teach AI CodingTop Stories

October 26, 2018 12:13
Indian-Origin Girl prodigy Launches Board Game to Teach AI Coding

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Silicon Valley-based Samaira is acquiring worldwide applaud as she conducts carry workshops along with her father in the United States to educate more youngsters coding.

When asked about what led her to this path, Samaira told a web portal in an interview, "I would probably say that my love for computer programming and board game got me into what I am doing now. I always loved board games and I always loved computer programming, but I didn't like the fact that I had to both of them separately, so I thought if I can't bring board game onto a computer coding screen, so why not bring the computer coding to a board game. And that's when I got the idea to create a coding board game, and that’s what I'm doing today."

Currently, Samaira has launched a game for kids that educate them how to code using Artificial Intelligence (AI). Named CoderMindz, this is reportedly the first ever AI board game.

One of the highlights in Samaira's line of work is when she met Google's Chief Culture Officer, Stacy Sullivan, after a workshop.

Reportedly, Sullivan was so impressed by Samaira, that she provided the young prodigy a job as soon as she finishes college. Interestingly, ambitious Samaira told Sullivan that she was contended being an entrepreneur.

She as well met Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg on Halloween when she went trick-or-treating in his neighborhood and took the opportunity to talk to him about her coding work.

-Sowmya Sangam

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