Search Results On aadhaar card (Page 1 of 3)

aadhaar card (Page 1 of 3)

  • aadhar card for nri 2019, uidai nri, nris to get aadhaar on arrival without 182 day wait, Aadhaar card

    NRIs to Get Aadhaar on Arrival Without 182-Day Wait 2019-09-24 06:39:37

    The Indian government issued a notification saying Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) with valid Indian passport can apply for Aadhaar on arrival, without the 182-day waiting period. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has released the circular stating that NRI after...

    Keywords: aadhaar on arrival for NRIs, uidai nri, aadhar card nri address proof, aadhar card for nri documents required

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    India, Pakistan, india bestows citizenship to 90 hindus from pakistan, Aadhaar card

    India Bestows Citizenship to 90 Hindus from Pakistan 2018-06-23 07:39:29

    Over ninety Hindus from Pakistan, who had migrated to the India years ago, were granted Indian citizenship by the district authorities at a function held at Ahmedabad district collectorate on Friday. The Indian citizenship certificates to the 90 applicants were...

    Keywords: Citizenship, Hindus, India, Pakistan

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    PAN, NRI, linking aadhar and pan has turned out to be mandatory for nris, Aadhaar card

    Linking Aadhar and PAN has Turned out to be Mandatory for NRIs 2019-12-28 04:32:31

    Linking PAN card with Aadhaar card turned out to be mandatory by the end of this year, says the Income Tax department in a public message on Sunday. “Building a better tomorrow! To reap seamless benefits of income tax services,...

    Keywords: Aadhar, NRI, NRI, Aadhar

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    is it illegal for nri to have aadhar card, aadhar card nri address proof, india budget 2019 aadhar card under 180 days for nris on arrival, Aadhaar card

    India Budget 2019: Aadhar Card Under 180 Days for NRIs on Arrival 2019-07-05 07:33:16

    Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her maiden Budget 2019 speech on Friday eased the waiting time for getting Aadhaar card for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). Sitharaman proposed to issue Aadhaar cards to non-resident Indians holding Indian passport on their arrival...

    Keywords: india budget breakdown, Indian budget 2019, aadhar card nri address proof, aadhar card for indian living abroad

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    International EMS, international parcel, aadhaar not needed for booking international parcel dop, Aadhaar card

    Aadhaar Not Needed for Booking International Parcel: DoP 2018-09-11 05:08:10

    Aadhaar is not compulsory for booking international parcel yet one of the optional identity documents, the Department of Posts said Monday. "…Aadhaar, as per the prevailing norms in the country, is not a mandatory document to be produced at the...

    Keywords: Department of Posts, Aadhaar card for international parcel, Aadhaar card for international parcel, Aadhaar card for international parcel

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    Pan card for NRIs, aadhar card nri address proof, nris urge sushma swaraj to alleviate norms for aadhaar enrollment, Aadhaar card

    NRIs Urge Sushma Swaraj to Alleviate Norms for Aadhaar Enrollment 2018-12-17 10:23:14

    The Non-Resident Indian (NRI) groups expressed concern over difficulties in Aadhaar enrolment and demanded a change of law to enable every NRI, regardless of residential status, get enrolled for Aadhaar. Many NRI activists alleged that though a circular was issued...

    Keywords: is aadhar card mandatory for nri account, card, issue, Non resident Indian

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