Search Results On envoy (Page 1 of 4)

envoy (Page 1 of 4)

  • Galwan valley, China, india orders china to vacate finger 5 area near pangong lake, Envoy

    India Orders China to Vacate Finger 5 Area near Pangong Lake 2020-07-31 07:59:07

    Earlier China pulled back its troops from Galwan valley but was adamant in not vacating the Pangong area. India now firmly tells China to vacate the finger 5 area in Pangong Lake.Even as the disengagement reached a critical point, where...

    Keywords: disengagement, China, disengagement, Pangong Lake

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    World War 3 News, Russia Vs Ukraine breaking updates, world war 3 has begun ukraine ex military commander, Envoy

    World War 3 Has Begun: Ukraine Ex-Military Commander 2024-11-22 14:18:05

    Valery Zarzheny, the former commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, believes that World War III is underway, adding that the direct involvement of Russian allies in this conflict also shows the same problem. “I firmly believe that in 2024 one...

    Keywords: World War 3 breaking, Russia Vs Ukraine updates, World War 3 breaking, Russia Vs Ukraine news

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    Vladimir Putin sworn, Vladimir Putin new updates, vladimir putin sworn in for fifth term in russia, Envoy

    Vladimir Putin sworn in for fifth term in Russia 2024-05-08 06:19:42

    Russia’s political leader, Vladimir Putin, has taken the oath of office for his fifth term as president. The ceremony was attended by Russia’s political elite, but was boycotted by the United States, United Kingdom, and most European envoys. Putin’s new...

    Keywords: Vladimir Putin speech, Vladimir Putin news, Vladimir Putin news, Vladimir Putin new updates

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    COVID-19, Indian government, india gifts 10 ventilators to nepal army amid covid 19 crisis, Envoy

    India Gifts 10 Ventilators to Nepal Army amid COVID-19 Crisis 2020-08-10 07:32:31

    The ventilators are designed for many applications including advanced invasive and non invasive respiratory support. Amid the coronavirus crisis and recent border disputes, Indian government gifts 10 ventilators to Nepal’s army as a support to the country dealing with the...

    Keywords: COVID-19, Indian government, COVID-19, Indian government

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    Joe Biden, Joe Biden arms for Ukraine, joe biden readies 725 million arms aid package for ukraine, Envoy

    Joe Biden Readies $725 Million Arms Aid Package For Ukraine 2024-11-28 09:20:42

    US President Joe Biden's administration is preparing a $725 million arms package for Ukraine as the outgoing president looks to shore up the government in Kiev before he leaves office in January, two US officials say. The Biden administration will...

    Keywords: Joe Biden for Ukraine, Joe Biden last deal, Joe Biden latest support for Ukraine, Joe Biden breaking news

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    Zalmay Khalilzad, India, us envoy to pakistan suggests india to talk to taliban for peace push, Envoy

    US envoy to Pakistan suggests India to talk to Taliban for peace push 2020-05-18 13:21:31

    The constant unrest between India and Pakistan is not something new. Addressing these complications, the US envoy to Pakistan suggested India should talk to Taliban militants if they feel it will help bring in peace to the countries. The issue...

    Keywords: Pakistan, India, Taliban, US

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