Search Results On evms


  • Chief Electoral Officer, Banwarlal, halt devp programmes electoral officer, Evms

    Halt devp programmes: electoral officer 2012-04-24 14:36:24

    The chief electoral officer in the state, Banwarlal has asked the State Government to halt the prajapatham programme in the constituencies where by-polls are scheduled to take place. He has said that the developmental programmes can be postponed. Banwarlal has...

    Keywords: Chief Electoral Officer, by-polls, Banwarlal, Banwarlal

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    election results, lok sabha election results, lok sabha election results 2019 from counting of votes to reliability of exit polls everything you need to know about vote counting day, Evms

    Lok Sabha Election Results 2019: From Counting of Votes to Reliability of Exit Polls Everything You Need to Know About Vote Counting Day 2019-05-22 06:47:19

    In few hours the fate of Indian politicians who vied in recently concluded Lok Sabha elections will be decided as the most critical and tedious process ‘counting of votes’ is scheduled for May 23. The Election Commission of India has...

    Keywords: how to vote india, how counting of votes done in India, how counting of votes done in India, counting of votes in india 2019

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    NRI voters, NRI voters, nri voting is very much focus for us election commissioner sushil chandra, Evms

    ‘NRI Voting Is Very Much Focus for Us’: Election Commissioner Sushil Chandra 2019-07-24 06:02:12

    Months after India had its general elections, Election Commissioner Sushil Chandra on Tuesday called on all Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) to register online to boost the numbers of such voters ahead of provisions being put in place for either proxy voting...

    Keywords: election commission, election commission, registration of NRI voters, registration of NRI voters

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    Indians abroad traditions, Indians abroad traditions, indians abroad are more concerned about preserving their traditions sam pitroda, Evms

    Indians Abroad Are More Concerned About Preserving Their Traditions: Sam Pitroda 2019-04-08 07:26:56

    Ahead of Lok Sabha elections in India, campaigning for their favored political parties is in a full swing across the world. The overseas political party enthusiasts are making every effort to make their political party win in their homeland. The...

    Keywords: Indians abroad traditions, Indians abroad, Indians abroad traditions, narendra modi

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    election commission, eci observers, lok sabha elections 2019 over 1800 ias ips irs officers deployed as election observers, Evms

    Lok Sabha Elections 2019: Over 1800 IAS, IPS, IRS Officers Deployed As Election Observers 2019-03-15 05:58:03

    As a run up to the forthcoming Elections to the Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies to four States, the Election Commission of India today organized the 1st Briefing for Observers to be deployed in the Poll going States. Over 1800 senior...

    Keywords: election observers ias ips irs, cec sunil arora to observers, officers election observers., election observers ias ips irs

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