Search Results On political affairs (Page 1 of 2)

political affairs (Page 1 of 2)

  • Foreign movies, Foreign movies, swedish film festival in chennai showcases foreign movies, Political affairs

    Swedish Film Festival In Chennai Showcases Foreign Movies 2015-09-02 10:00:01

    Chennai will see a variety of movies from Singapore and Sweden screened for the six days beginning Monday, on the occasion of the Swedish Film Festival. The Swedish Film Festival is organized by the Embassy of Sweden in New Delhi...

    Keywords: Swedish Film Festival, Swedish Film Festival in Chennai, Swedish Film Festival in Chennai, Swedish Film Festival

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    Y S Jaganmohan Reddy, Jagan disproportionate case, vijayasai surrenders before cbi court, Political affairs

    Vijayasai surrenders before CBI Court 2012-04-23 07:27:26

    The accused number two in Jagan disproportionate case, Vijayasai Reddy today surrendered before the CBI Court in Nampally in Hyderabad. It has to be mentioned here that the bail granted on Vijayasai Reddy on April 13 was quashed by the...

    Keywords: CBI, by-polls, Jagan disproportionate case, AP affairs

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    Gurinder Singh Khalsa, sikh population in england, indian american sikh presented with rosa parks trailblazer award, Political affairs

    Indian American Sikh Presented with Rosa Parks Trailblazer Award 2019-01-19 08:59:40

    An Indian-American entrepreneur and philanthropist, Gurinder Singh Khalsa, has been bestowed with the prestigious Rosa Park Trailblazer award for his campaign that forced authorities of the United States to change their policy towards headgear of the Sikh community.Khalsa, 45, from...

    Keywords: Rosa Parks Trailblazer Award, Gurinder Singh Khalsa, sikh of america auditions, sikh of america auditions 2019

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    GOPIO, NRI, vijay jolly made gopio s political advisor, Political affairs

    Vijay Jolly made GOPIO's Political Advisor 2014-12-10 11:53:37

    Vijay Jolly, Member of the National Executive Committee of the BJP, has been appointed Global Political Affairs advisor of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin, International. GOPIO established in the year 1989 and has been working for 28million...

    Keywords: GOPIO, Prabhari, NRI, Vijay jolly

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    false documents immigration, Detention of Indian Students, vijay gokhale held talks with u s leaders over detention of indian students in immigration fraud, Political affairs

    Vijay Gokhale Held Talks with U.S. Leaders over Detention of Indian Students in Immigration Fraud 2019-03-13 11:04:25

    During Foreign Secretary of India Vijay Gokhale’s meeting with the United States Congressional leaders, the issue regarding detention of Indian students by the United States immigration authorities came up. Representative Tom Suozzi tweeted that during the Monday meeting they talked...

    Keywords: immigration misrepresentation, Vijay Gokhale in washington, what happens when you report a fake marriage, what happens when you report a fake marriage

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    US, India role in UN Security Council, u s reiterates support for india s role in reformed unsc, Political affairs

    U.S. Reiterates Support for India's Role in Reformed UNSC 2018-09-29 04:42:21

    The Trump administration has restated its support for India's bid for a permanent seat on a reformed United Nations Security Council, a senior United States official said, emphasizing that the two "global partners" share a commitment to work together on...

    Keywords: Narendra Modi, India role in UNSC, Wells, India role in UNSC

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