Search Results On recipe nutrition

recipe nutrition

  • How to make Grapefruit chicken Salad, strips, grapefruit chicken satay salad, Recipe nutrition

    Grapefruit Chicken Satay Salad 2011-12-02 08:18:49

    This tossed salad borrows the basic flavors of Thai satay and turns them into a rich and satisfying entree salad.Recipe NutritionPer serving: 313 calories; 11 g fat (2 g saturated fat, 1 g mono unsaturated fat); 63 mg cholesterol; 24...

    Keywords: Grapefruit Chicken Satay Salad, strips, Grapefruit Chicken Satay Salad, Chicken

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    butter beans, Paprika recipe, paprika shrimp and butter beans saute, Recipe nutrition

    Paprika shrimp and butter Beans Saute 2011-11-25 06:00:45

    Green beans add snap and color to the garlicky shrimp and butter beans in this Spanish-inspired sauté. Slightly pricier prepeeled shrimp are worth it, given the amount of time they save on a harried weeknight. Serve with quinoa or brown...

    Keywords: Paprika shrimp & butter Beans Saute, How make Paprika Shrimp and butter beans, Recipe Nutrition, garlicky shrimp

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