San Francisco landlords offering buyouts to move out tenants 2014-04-14 13:16:46
Being a tenant in San Francisco is beginning to pay for some of the people who live on rent. As some longtime tenants in the city are being offered as much as $50,000 inorder to make way for tenants who...
Keywords: buyouts tenants, San Francisco, San Francisco landlords, rent-controlled apartments
Read MoreUnion Square is the heart of San Francisco,California 2013-08-27 10:15:02
San Francisco is quite small, yet its hilly terrain and patchwork demographic profile gives it more distinctly defined neighborhoods than a city five times its size. As a result, the sights, sounds and flavors of this community—and even its climate—can...
Keywords: Union Square is the heart of San Francisco, California, California, Union Square is the heart of San Francisco
Read MorePolitical Events in Bay Area this week 2017-03-13 06:51:21
Rallies, protests and political events are part of daily life in the Bay Area. Here is the roundup of events this week. Monday:Postcard party: The event plans to send one million postcards to President Doland Trump on issues, such as...
Keywords: Political Events in Bay Area this week, San Francisco, Postcard party, Anti-Trump rally
Read MoreSuper-cheap San Francisco bus trip on less than $75 2013-08-27 09:14:53
A San Francisco getaway for less than $75 a person? Yes, you can do it. How do I know? Because I recently made such a trip by using the uber-cheap Megabus service from Los Angeles and snapping up food and...
Keywords: san francisco, sanfrancisco usa., san francisco, sanfrancisco usa.
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