Search Results On sanfrancisco


  • San Francisco landlords offering buyouts to move out tenants, buyouts tenants, san francisco landlords offering buyouts to move out tenants, Sanfrancisco

    San Francisco landlords offering buyouts to move out tenants 2014-04-14 13:16:46

    Being a tenant in San Francisco is beginning to pay for some of the people who live on rent. As some longtime tenants in the city are being offered as much as $50,000 inorder to make way for tenants who...

    Keywords: buyouts tenants, San Francisco, San Francisco landlords, rent-controlled apartments

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    Union Square is the heart of San Francisco, sanfrancisco., union square is the heart of san francisco california, Sanfrancisco

    Union Square is the heart of San Francisco,California 2013-08-27 10:15:02

    San Francisco is quite small, yet its hilly terrain and patchwork demographic profile gives it more distinctly defined neighborhoods than a city five times its size. As a result, the sights, sounds and flavors of this community—and even its climate—can...

    Keywords: Union Square is the heart of San Francisco, California, California, Union Square is the heart of San Francisco

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    San Francisco, Bay Area, political events in bay area this week, Sanfrancisco

    Political Events in Bay Area this week 2017-03-13 06:51:21

    Rallies, protests and political events are part of daily life in the Bay Area. Here is the roundup of events this week. Monday:Postcard party: The event plans to send one million postcards to President Doland Trump on issues, such as...

    Keywords: Political Events in Bay Area this week, San Francisco, Postcard party, Anti-Trump rally

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    san francisco, san francisco, super cheap san francisco bus trip on less than 75, Sanfrancisco

    Super-cheap San Francisco bus trip on less than $75 2013-08-27 09:14:53

    A San Francisco getaway for less than $75 a person? Yes, you can do it. How do I know? Because I recently made such a trip by using the uber-cheap Megabus service from Los Angeles and snapping up food and...

    Keywords: san francisco, sanfrancisco usa., san francisco, sanfrancisco usa.

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